Friday, February 18, 2011

Dolls & Choices

It’s been over three weeks since I last blogged. In some ways it feels like it’s been forever and in other ways it seems as if I just blinked my eyes.
The studio is seriously on its way. And I mean seriously! We’ve primed and painted, we’ve mapped out where we want to set up the poles, Mr. J and Husband are installing the flooring as I write these words, and I just found out that Miss M put in the order for the poles. Holy moly—I guess this is really happening!
While it hasn’t been a painless path, it does certainly seem that the Universe is holding my hand and skipping me down the road.  Everything just makes sense. When I’ve made choices that weren’t right for me, the struggle was endless. I’ve been with “bad” boyfriends for years, and although I don’t have many regrets, I look back at all that angst and wish I could have slapped myself awake. I’ve stayed at horrible jobs and spent every afternoon dreading going to work later that night. I’ve even temporarily put Bean into a school that I was apprehensive about, and for 6 months had to endure total chaos and lack of discipline. As soon as I remedied myself of those situations, the anxiety miraculously fell away and life was lovely again.
It is my honest belief that the Universe only wants the best for each and every one of us. All the signposts are there to lead us in the right direction. When we are wise enough to see and silent enough to listen, we’ll find that it’s all laid out for us—that all we have to do is take the first step. But when we go against what is actually the most constructive thing for us, we start running into issues that often hurt, and more than likely forces us back to square one. That’s okay, too. We’ve all been there, probably more often than we’d like. The best thing about going back to the proverbial drawing board is that it gives us the opportunity to start renewed and refreshed.  And that is exactly where the Universe is hoping to find us so it can flash us another user-friendly map.           
I don’t want to sound all esoteric and new-agey on you, so I’ll put it into pretty plain language: listen to your gut and trust your instincts. The Universe is on your side. Examine what’s in your heart and act upon your findings. Follow your bliss and respect yourself and others. Life is so much easier that way.